Laurent Degos, MD, PhD
Prof. Degos is Professor Emeritus of the Universté of Paris Diderot and also President of the Franco Chinese Foundation for Science and its Applications, Vice President of the Institut Pasteur, member of the High Council for the Future of Health Insurance, a member of the Scientific Panel for Health of the European Commission and member of the High Level Group Reflecting on Health Systems. Prof. Laurent Degos was President of the French College of the High Authority of Health between 2004 and 2010. Previously, he chaired the board of the French Agency for Safety of Health Products and the Board of French Transplant Organizations. He was Head of the Clinical Department of Blood Diseases at Saint Louis hospital in Paris, Hematology Professor at the University of Paris Diderot and was Executive Director of the Graduate School of Biology and Biotechnology. Prof. Degos led the University Institute of Hematology at Saint-Louis Hospital, was Chairman of the Scientific Council of the AP-HP and director of the Inserm Unit Transplantation Immunogenetics. He has published over 370 scientific articles in the fields of genetics, immunology, hematology, cancer and public health. He is a Member of the French Academy of Medicine and a corresponding member of the French Academy of Sciences. In addition, Prof. Degos is an Officer of the Legion of Honor and a National Order of Merit Officer. He has received numerous national and international awards including Loubaresse Curie (Paris, 1996), Brupbacher (Zurich, 1997), Von Gagna Hoeck (Brussels, 2003), Eisenberg Laureate (Washington, 2008) and Prix Jean Bernard (Amsterdam, 2012).