Francisco E. Baralle, MD, PhD
Prof. Baralle received his BSc and PhD in Chemistry from the University of Buenos Aires and his MD from the University of Naples. Prof. Baralle received his postdoctoral scientific training at the Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquimicas Fundacion Campomar directed by Prof. Luis F. Leloir. In 1974, he moved to the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK, where he worked in the Division directed by double Nobel laureate Prof. Frederick Sanger. From 1980 to 1990, he was University Lecturer of Pathology at Oxford and Fellow of Magdalen College. In 1980, he was elected member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO). In 1993, he was awarded the Platinum Konex Prize for Science and Technology (Argentina) as the best scientist of the decade in Genetic and Cytology and in 2001 he was elected Member of the Argentine Academy of Sciences. In September 1990, he was appointed Director of the Trieste component of International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB). In 2004 Prof. Baralle became the Director-General of the institute and in 2014 was appointed Director-General Emeritus.